"A Royal Night Out" FAQ

Where can I watch "A Royal Night Out" online?
A Royal Night Out is now streaming on demand. Watch A Royal Night Out now.
Who made "A Royal Night Out?"
"A Royal Night Out" was directed by Julian Jarrold and produced by Ecosse Films, Filmgate Films, and Scope Pictures.
Who is distributing "A Royal Night Out?"
Film distribution for "A Royal Night Out" is the U.S. is being handled by Atlas Distribution (Absolutely Anything, London Fields) and Ketchup Entertainment.
What is "A Royal Night Out" about?
On V.E. Day in 1945, as peace extends across Europe, Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret are allowed out to join the celebrations. It is a night full of excitement, danger and the first flutters of romance.
When does "A Royal Night Out" come out?
"A Royal Night Out" was released in U.S. markets December 4th, 2015.
What is "A Royal Night Out" rated?
"A Royal Night Out" has been rated PG-13.
Who stars in "A Royal Night Out?"
  • Sarah Gadon
  • Bel Powley
  • Emily Watson
  • Rupert Everett
  • Jack Reynor
Read more about the A Royal Night Out cast.
Why is "A Royal Night Out" called "A Royal Night Out?"
Because every girl deserves a "girls night out" - even the future Queen of England.
How do I keep up to date with "A Royal Night Out?"
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